Monday, July 8, 2024

Happy Seventh \oDO/

 AKA, photos I meant to take on the 4th, but we were all so drenched in sweat by the end of the day we just opted to eat and blow stuff up and get it over with.  This is the first year I felt guilty - the poor dog was miserable and hid under the guest bed until I came inside to witness her personal hell...then she crawled up to the top of the bed and continued being visibly miserable.  in her defense, she did not scream and yell the whole time and suffered silently.  We also discovered she's been crate trained at some point, so I'll be getting one of those.

I got turfed out of work after only an hour and a half on the clock, so I spent most of the day up at David's.  Yes, yes I am looking for a new job as we speak - I think we got a whole shift and a half out of all five days last week.

There was a shopping trip at the last minute.  It went pretty much like this.

Ending not as depicted, this is mainly what David wished he could do to both of us as well as a callback to the Disney trip in 2019 where I made a meme of myself for a week pretending to be run over by everything we encountered with wheels on it.

He did not grill this year.  He was in the kitchen, we mainly did a potluck situation type deal =p

Banned for committing crimes.

But happy 4th to all you other 'Muricans out there - I hope we all had a decent time with our incendiaries and our gratuitous amounts of food in spite of the nationwide heat wave.  There was plenty of good belly-rounding Southern food down here.

You get more variety in this set because with all the shuffling around to get my bugouts sorted and everything either kept, tossed or sent to thrift, the Sims got jostled a lot and one of mini!Sim's eyes went missing in the fracas.  She got to use standard!Sim's Felt-Tech(tm) emojis for the time well as one of her old Ever After High hands.  I also found the magnetic base that goes with the Obitsu 11 I was gonna use for Custom Squid.  It goes to mini!Dave since he's wearing the OB11 shoes with the magnets in the soles - I have a larger one that came with supersize!Sim that I can keep, anyway.  Folding chairs are Re-Ment, as is the ginger ale.  Most of the rest of it is a mishmash of Barbie, Teeny Tinies, Mini Brands, and I want to say the basting brush is Miniverse.

Mini!Sim and mini!Dave are both knockoff Zoe dolls from Five Below, just with custom heads.  I need to stock up on more of these actually, before they get dumped in favor of the standard-articulated budget ones, because I wanna make a few more for other friends.

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