Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Value-adds and Value-ectomies

 I know, I know.  More photos of toys will be coming.  I'll get to that in a minute.

First let's have some constructive blathering.  I got this house last September, and the couple in the RV next door moved out two weeks later.  More power to them for getting some land, but I wanted to get to know Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff.  C'est la vie.  A few months back they dropped another house on that lot.  It's not right right next door (unlike some in the neighborhood, poor souls), but nobody should have to look out their hall window and see me hunched over the island eating breakfast like the cave creature I am at 0700.

No lie, I spent a couple of months casually looking at privacy film and window clings on amazon before suddenly remembering I have the materials and the capacity to do it myself way cheaper.  I berated myself for having an extended senior moment, me and myself both laughed about it, and then we all went off to the crafts store.  Luckily both Michaels and Hobby Lobby sell Gallery Glass paint, because between the both of them I got the colors I needed.

I used one of my collection of disposable pub promo coasters to do some basic layout and a ruler to connect the boxes...badly...but that's authentic in this case. Wink, wink.  I printed off a diamond pattern from online and did some tracing with a dry erase marker.  One week later:

The kitchen window.

The back door.

Both of the neighbor-facing windows have been dealt with.  I would only be visible from outside from the shoulders up, if I chose to be seen, which means I can still spy on the street whenever I hear something or the dog alarm goes off, and I can still comfortably mean-mug every potential buyer over there who looks iffy.  The yellow is a mix of Sunny and Amber, and looks awesome up close:

That's not craquelure, it's the screen on the outside.

It looks better from the inside of course, but did get a double-take from Leasing's Little Helper the other day.  The outside view looks better when backlit, as you'd expect.  The windows on the other side facing Mike Next Door remain unadulterated, but I'm tempted to at least paint the top panes to match these two.  And of course I can just peel it all off if I want to.

I also picked up a couple of beads and whipped up a new glasses charm, because treat'choself.  Happy Pride, fellow invisibles =p

Now on to the more mundane stuff.  Tornado season got my native anxiety up to clinical levels, and then the hot flashes started, big time.  It's almost the end of June, and the normal three-week hell cycle didn't even happen.  My hopes are as high as possible.  I didn't buy all this feminine awesomenss, but I sure am paying for it, and if I only have to endure one more year of this, I'm absolutely down.  Besides, summer's already almost half over.

The tornado anxiety rekindled some of the mental flipout I went through back around 2012-2013, which I kind of thought was midlife crisis at the time.  So the back of my lizard brain started screaming at me about how much stuff I'd managed to just hoard since then.  I...am inclined to agree with it, to be honest.  I was raised by someone with hoarder tendencies due to growing up during the Great Depression, and I've tried to be good about fighting it.  Sometimes it just happens, and then suddenly you notice.  Kind of like developing that 40+ Ladybod, which at this point I'm about to stop worrying about and learn to love my handles.  

So I've started a huge campaign to clear out and clean out.  The big desktop got replaced with a comparable laptop, because it's more portable.  All the peripherals are downsizing as well, the easier to bug out with my dear.  Eight bags of stuff from the closet and the dresser already went out and I still need to do a round 2.  I massacred the art supplies and the project parts.  The doll and toy collection...

I admit to having gotten some things just to have them.  It's something everyone does from time to time, unless they've gone monastic, and more power to those guys.  Some of them are going to friends with kids.  Some are going to friends to resell or use for their own projects.  Some went to the thrift store.  I'm only going to keep things that have been made for me or given as special gifts, or which mean a lot, from now on.  Other things I'll be taking photos of before shipping them off.  I literally cannot keep everything, and it's time to face that fact again :'D

The book collection will be going mostly digital, aside from a few nice hardcover editions and some artbooks.  I'm thinking of starting a little free library for the neighborhood with most of the physical ones as I replace them.  I think I'll have to ask Leasing about that since it's a community bonus in the end.

The end result is I'll have two rooms and the extra bathroom plain empty.  So I guess I'll be in the market for a roommate.  Fellow crotchety cat ladies preferred, must be into crafts, Netflix and literally just chilling, occasional hikes and composting.


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