Monday, October 1, 2018

Project Kitbash - Squid Surgery

I got these Hobby Base replacement joints off of eBay (about $3.00) for another project (coming soon), and didn’t realize at first what size I’d purchased*.  Once I’d laid eyes on them, however, I had an inspiration.  I’ve done some reviews of the mini-weapons Bandai has been putting out, over on Squidboards.  Much as I love the 4″ World of Nintendo Inkling figures, their articulation falls short in a couple of places.  They’re almost perfectly sized for most of the little weapons, but the main obstacle to posing them is the lack of a proper wrist joint.  With these replacement joints in hand, I suddenly had the means to rectify this.

who wants transplants?  I do, I do!

Marsh, don’t be so eager….

The hands the figures come with are pretty solid, and very well anchored – you have to work to pull them off.

it's not a real project until you've drawn blood or lost skin.

The first order of business was to remove the posts on the hands – easy enough, all it took was five seconds and a wire nipper.  Drilling holes took a bit longer.  I need to get a new regular Dremel, but the cordless works fine for this.  It’s lower-powered than the corded models, which made it perfect for what I initially got it for – carving eggs.  For this project I needed two bits.  One for carving (the round one) and one for grinding (the straight one).  Both are sold separately from the Dremel itself, if I remember right it’s an engraving kit, maybe?  Not sure, it’s been a few years, but they’re the smallest bits on the shelf at Walmart (or were, anyway).  Started the holes with the carving bit and worked them wider and deeper with the grinder.  This took a little guesstimation, and there’s a limited amount of space, as you can see in the picture.  I ground myself at least once =p



Here’s Fen showing off her new fully-functional wrists :D

Marsh had his finished the next day.  His arm holes are a little wider for some reason, probably because his arms are thicker, so I had to add a little hot glue to keep the posts in there.

I’m tempted to try this with their ankles as well, but getting those shoes off is almost literally impossible.  The posts are wedged in there so tightly I haven’t yet been able to remove one without destroying it.






*Note to Self, get another pack of these; the smaller ones are perfect for repairing Figuarts…

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