Thursday, May 2, 2019

Project Kitbash - Smug Burger Baby

I like MGA’s efforts with the LOL Surprise dolls, particularly their habit of making them look like famous people (just in questionably-dressed bugeyed baby format). Despite the price point and the massive amount of waste plastic in the packaging, the #HairGoals have to be my favorites so far. There’s really only one of them I wanted, and that was Splatters, who’s supposedly a common…but I have this strange relationship with MGA and their toys. For whatever reason, I keep getting rares. This is good for my friends, but not necessarily for me when what I want is supposed to be easy to find. (I have two Shimones for example – one lives with the rest of the 80’s icons on the shelf and the other became a body donor).

I have an Oops Baby (Britney Spears) who’s getting the full monty repaint, but the first #HairGoals I happened to unwrap was… Sk8er Grrrl. One look at her and I knew who she needed to be. And of course, because this is me, things rapidly went out of control in the “oh, it’s just a quick repaint” department.

I decided to finally invest in a reroot tool and ended up just doing a yarn reroot on her that took maybe two hours in total. Get a reroot tool if you haven’t already, it makes things so much easier. Dollyhair is my preferred place for all such things. With that out of the way, it became a matter of tackling the body.

The W stands for Waker's Wark, obviously.

LOL babies have hard plastic bodies, which don’t play well with acetone, and the color-changing stuff on them doesn’t help. After completely clearing it off her chest, I decided to just make one pass over the rest to get the color-change material off and then paint over the remaining paint. Since we really only see Wendy from the chest up and I was going for the classic mascot design, I had no idea if she actually wears socks or not. She got red-striped ones to balance out her hair.

The dress is just a painted disguise outfit that I left in one piece and removed the bottom from. I think it’s supposed to be a unicorn dress since it has wings and a tail molded into it. Three layers of acrylic later and you’d never know =p

Here’s where it got a little complicated, since looking up Wendy mainly brings up smug anime girl fanart. Luckily, the man in the gray flannel suit’s got my back with a very informative post. I also had some help from Cupcake, who had to dress as Wendy once and has a picture of the actual mascot dress. All the same, I took a few design liberties with it. After giving the finished product a coat of podge, I went ahead and put it on the body and gorilla’d the edges together in the back. I don’t intend to redress her and wanted to get the dress on with minimal stress on the paint, however flexibly mod podge dries.


Filled in her mouth-hole with liquid lace; now she has more of the manic Shoppies look than the blow-up doll mouth, which is a relief. My standard clear and toony eye style works well with these since they’re so small anyway. For anyone who might be wondering, the skin tone on Sk8r (and probably Oops and any other fair-skinned LOLs) is a near perfect match for the stock Flesh color acrylic paint – I want to say it’s Apple Barrel or Plaid, either one. No paint was mixed for this – the dress is just Blue Jay and White, and all red is Lipstick Red. Pupils and shadows in the eyes are Cobalt, I think.

One quick wrestle with some rubber bands, a trip to Dollar Tree and some nail art bows later, we have our very own Smug Burger Baby. I am not a hairbender; the household hairbender was at work and I didn’t feel like bothering her at the time =p

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