Tuesday, August 6, 2024

AC:NL - The Retrospective

I have had a long, long love affair with Animal Crossing, ever since I got a classic DS just to play Wild World.  Looking back at WW now, it's extremely janky in the graphics department.  I feel like I peaked with New Leaf.  That iteration was hands down the most fun for me to play around with.  Maybe it was partly due to the 3DS?  I don't know.  I do know that is my favorite handheld of all time, though.  Sadly, the online play and thus the Dream Suite went bye-bye back in April, so all my hard work can now only be experienced in person.  I'm going to keep the post here as an archive of all the good times, because I really did have great fun working on my town.  The large numbers of violets in some of the screenshots below are due to my trying to regrow grass.  I wish they'd brought the violets back.

New Horizons is good as well, but I feel like being able to terraform, and the sheer number of new items you now have access to, is a little overwhelming for me.  I don't want to lose all my progress, but I'm stuck in an eternal island-remodelling loop now because I keep forgetting what I'm doing :'D  I do appreciate being able to throw items down outside (why did my brain say "in the overworld"?) and set up all kinds of decorative spaces.  Some of the total makeovers people have done have basically turned AC into a whole other game visually.  I know they say don' let that intimidate you, but...it does, lol.
Happy Home Designer being integrated into the main game via DLC was the perfect move on Nintendo's part, however.  Now if only we could port our items over from Pocket Camp.  Hint, hint, Ninty.  This is a hill I will happily die on.

original post last edited 08/14/2017

You can find all my custom QR codes on Pinterest, as well as others' codes I've used, and some tutorials.


So I’ve been playing Animal Crossing for ages…I started with Wild World in 2005 (the whole reason I got a DS, actually), and have stuck with the handheld versions ever since.  I’ll be honest, the Welcome Amiibo update got me excited when that hit in 2016, and I finally had a real idea of how to develop my town.  It didn’t hurt that my roommate got me super invested in Splatoon…  so Fairbush (2005-????) took on a kind of new life.  It’s loosely Splatoon-themed these days, overall quaint and woodsy.  Hey, I like my trees, okay?  I’ve also gotten into Pro Designs, and a lot of the clothes in Sploon are pretty easy – and let’s be honest, fun – to translate over into AC.

The town dream features a major, fixed update every season with different things to do, and new QR codes to snag.  If you’ve missed any, can’t or don’t want to visit the dream, all the codes posted thus far are archived HERE.  Minor updates can occur at any time, usually whenever the weather in-game gets interesting.  The one constant is the treasure hunt..check the wall in the library in the Mayor’s house and you’ll find a map; pay attention to it, because there are things buried all around town…and they’re not always money, either.

Points of interest include the local pub, the Ewe Drop Inne (and how long will I get away with that joke?), just west of the train station.  Downstairs is the town common room, which changes with every update.  South and west of there, next to the campsite, is Taller Bros. Lodge.  It’s a cozy little wilderness retreat where not much happens, but it might be worth a visit once in a while.  You never know!



April showers bring May…clogged gutters?  Something like that.  All this green’s been spruced up with a lot of pink, the azaleas are budding out, and petals fill the air.  Since it’s a nice sunny day, why not just take a stroll around town?  Go grab some squid gear (or don’t) and let’s get going!

Down at the Lodge there’s some rough-and-ready explorer togs if you still want to get your Indy Jones on and hunt for buried treasure…

…and at the local pub you’ll find some fancier feathers. Looks like someone’s thrown together an impromptu afternoon tea party in the community room downstairs!


It’s SUMMER!  Before it gets too too hot outside (or because it already is, depends on where you are…), time for one last fully-clothed blast before swimsuit season really begins!

Gather up some nerd gear from the plaza and head on over to the pub, where the common room downstairs is hosting Fairbush’s first convention, from the combined efforts of all our residents: FAIRCON! Sign in and enjoy what our little geek gathering has to offer, such as a cozy little artists’ alley, retro LAN party area, tons of comics and shwag…

…obligatory overpriced snacks...

…and celebrity autographs!

Complimentary coffee and donuts (caffeine and sugar, the other two important food groups, amirite?) available upstairs.

FAIRCON is exclusive to the month of July and will happen every year, though the layout will likely change.  From 07/01-07/31 there’s a SPECIAL BONUS event.

We have a friendly little nerd competition going on with our sister-town of Egg (4B00-0077-0660) to see who shall reign supreme – DSea or Starvel.  Superhero logo shirts are available in both towns, and the winner will be determined by who – out of villagers and visitors – wears the most of which of the Big Two’s shirts.  Send me a screencap of yourself visiting Fairbush with your favorite hero shirt on, and get a free sketch of your Mayor! 

The convention may be over, but summer sure ain’t, so why not hit the beach?

Or wander a little further inland once you’ve had your fill of tropical fruits, sun, and sand in your shorts…

Or if the mosquitoes get to be too much (we go for quantity down here, not quality, sorry…), stroll on uptown and check out the summertime additions to the public house. Ice cream and an arcade? Sign me up!

Wind down with a visit to the Mayor’s, where you can find a quiet little bathhouse. Limited time only!


The Mayor’s been busy hiding fountain fireworks all over town, so be sure to check out the treasure-hunt map up in the reading room for clues.  There are a couple extra ones not marked on said map, too, as well as sparklers and roman candles all over the place for all your incendiary enjoyment!


Who’s ready for fall? It’s aaaaalmost here~ The air’s getting crisper, the grass is getting yellower, the crickets are out at night…things are looking up!  You, meanwhile, are welcome to navigate your way down for a change, and stop by Taller Bros, where the townspeople have thrown together a little street fair.

Pull up a seat, have a nosh, spin the wheel for prizes…

…and stay out of the basement. Seriously, even I don’t know what he has down there.

It’s OCTOber!  While we wait for Jack’s reign of terror, let’s see what the villagers have been up to…

Seems like a grand evening to check out the local pub. Looks like they do tie in there now.

Downstairs in the game room there’s a special visitor from out of town offering fortunes. Cross her palm and you might hear something good…or more likely something unsettling.


Looks like Taller’s done more digging. It’s gotten positively creepy in here.

It’s probably just safer to stay outside and have a cup of coffee, anyway. PROBABLY.

If you’re going to run around and enjoy the nice evening air, you should take precautions.  There’s candy lying around to fend off the neighbors, and some snazzy costumes to collect if you plan on terrorizing anyone yourself.



It’s that time again – time for fluffy snow to cover up that dead brown grass and all those bare branches, time for lights and bells and cheerful (if sometimes annoying) carols, and best of all…time for presents and friends and even more food you’re too full to finish!  Grab your Santa hat and boots (if you want to) and wander around to say hello, sample the local coffee, and see what’s new in town.

Head on over to the pub and get your Festivus on with a couple of seasonal outfits.

Eggnog, soup, and the cozy warm atmosphere are waiting for you inside, so pull up a bar stool and dig in.

Downstairs is the community Christmas party, where there’s a little bit of somethin’-somethin’ for just about everyone.

…don’t forget to tell Squiddy Claus what you want this year!

You can find some more practical winterwear down at Taller’s.

It’s perfect for staying warm while you summon some more snow!

…or maybe that wand had something to do with what’s going on in the basement…?

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