Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Gift or a Curse?

2023 update - this went over extremely well, and is to date probably the best Christmas present I have ever managed to make for someone overall.  Honestly, I'm a little sad about that, but what can you do?

Probably the most complicated, contrived gift I have ever done.  No, it’s not Halloween – this is for Christmas :’D

I’m related to an unrepentant Dark Shadows fan, you see.  There are weekly gatherings to watch the series, which is why I know all about the triumphs and failings of the props department – specifically in this case, regarding the cursed hand of Angelique (that bitch, uuuugh…).  Unfortunately, plastic skeleton hands all seem to come in right only, unless you get an entire body…which I didn’t want or need.  So the gift in this case is the less-cursed right hand of Angelique Bouchard Collins.  With verification from Miskatonic University (couldn’t resist) and a letter from Professor Stokes for good measure.  I may actually have had too much fun with it.  We’ll see how this goes over in a few hours!

it's an el-cheapo art supplies box I lined with felt.

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