Despite what Mom always used to joke about whenever she walked by and caught me watching anime, I've never actually been a fan of things with extra-huge eyes. To date there's really only been one doll of that particular type I actually wanted.
But I've been following some bad, bad influences for some years now, and in particular more recently. So as I threatened on her post, this is largely Moon's fault, lol.
I finally caved, went to Aliexpress and got a DBS Blythe. Yes she's an offbrand, on an unbranded Azone-style body. But she's cute in her own way.
Barbie clothes, Real Littles sneakers. |
As such she's one of the extremely few girls in my collection to have a full name - meet Honey Fauxbrand. I thought I'd ordered a whole set of the extra ears but they only sent me the pointy elf ones, which is fine. The seller sent along some extra the default white skin tone. Hooray for extra hands for Sim I suppose, but that meant I had to go find tan hands elsewhere. So I went to BeBeBlythe on Etsy for those as well as some eyechips. She has a new neck joint on the way as well.
My second favorite pair of the eye chips. They go well with that Mona Lisa smile of hers.
Not my faves, but it seems to be tradition that all Blythes must come with at least one scary pair. These in particular go perfectly with the weird sign by the front door, lol.
And of course bling, because I have quite the found object/beading stash. I'd made some attachments for my glasses last year when I got a new pair, so out came the pliers and jump rings, and now Honey has semi-matching ones for her pull string.
I'm not sure I'd get a whole nother Blythe? But maybe a face plate with the smiley face if I find one. Possibly a scalp with a wig, though I like her hair now, it suits her like the ears do. I also had a random kitbash idea involving the eye mech that I might act on later.
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