Thursday, April 27, 2023

Let's Get Started, Shall We?

And that pretty much brings me to the present day.  Current Year, as the kids say.  I'm still going to be tweaking a few things, but the old posts are all ported over.  So.

Hi.  I'm Setsu.  Known generally online as Setsu-P, sometimes P-tan depending on how I'm feeling or who you ask.  I have a long and sordid history spanning various forums, Livejournal, Deviantart and a short stint on Tumblr.  My main site's elsewhere, but I moved all my craft stuff and toy photos over here, because I've been hooked on the doll bloggers for ages (Toybox Philosopher started me off way back in the day and it just spiralled out of control from there) and the dolly community here seems like a nice bunch of folks.  I'm looking forward to interacting with y'all from here on out.

I dabble a bit in collecting, a bit in customizing, a lot in crafting, sometimes in drawing or pixel work, spend too much time gaming, and have touched a lethal amount of grass in this life.  I'm coming up on 45 and my friends are why I don't need children.  I'm the Fun Auntie.  I have a very special cat, some extremely spoiled goldfish, and a few long-suffering house plants.  And a thriving compost pile.  You really can't mess up compost.

I won't bother posting my to-do list, although in all honesty I probably should at this point if only to help people shame me into getting it all done finally.  TL;DR, the next things up should be some accessory repaints and the vintage restorations I'm working on at the moment.  Most of the tags should be pretty self explanatory.  TMIT is my own invention.  It stands for ToyMuchInformation Tuesday.

Nice to meet you all :'D

I'll leave you with a few photos of stuff I used to sell on Etsy (or tried to, anyway).

This was actually a gift for my brother, for his second wedding in 2012.  The lighting effect was a happy little accident.  It's a hand carved and decorated chicken egg.

More carved eggs.  I think I still have the prototypes for a green set around here somewhere.

Painted glass cabochon magnets.  The ones in the middle glow in the dark.

And I made a few fascinators for friends, based on their fan-characters.

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